Yay it's Friday!
Well this weekend, starts some of the madness of the wedding planning. H2b is off on his stag weekend tomorrow to Liverpool (God love Liverpool) My Hen night is in 23 days :-) and we are both really excited.
My plan whilst H2b is hopefully not damaging his liver to much, is to get the menus and another batch of the mass booklets finished. I really need to start thinking ahead about sending some things over to Spain soon, so anything requiring DIY will need to be finished sooner rather than later.
My other really exciting thing is that I am finally going to try my dress on! It has been in the shop for a while but my Chief Bridesmaid really wanted to see it with me as she didn't mange to make it to our shopping trip so we are off to see it on Sunday. I am really excited about seeing it again and have lost the few extra pounds that I gained since finding it so am keeping everything crossed that it fits and that I still like it.
I think that I have reached the start of the exciting part, it really is not long now until the wedding - 49 days or 7 weeks today. There really is not that much more to do (once I finish my DIY projects) Wedding presents are starting to be bought/arrive and it feels really nice. I keep thinking of how things will be once we are married and how it will feel to finally call him my Husband and to be honest, I can't wait. Yes there has been some stressors along the way and I am sure we will have some more in the run up to the wedding but overall I have enjoyed it and I looking forward to married life so much.
Sooooo exciting! Hope that your hubby to be enjoyed his stag (and has soothed his liver appropriately since) and that the grand dres unveiling went well. Tick tock, wohooo its going to fly by xxx